Install chart reference

Portworx Central install chart reference

Parameter Description Default
persistentStorage.enabled Enables persistent storage for all Portworx Central components false
persistentStorage.storageClassName Specifies the name of the storage class ""
persistentStorage.mysqlVolumeSize MySQL volume size "100Gi"
persistentStorage.keycloakThemeVolumeSize Keycloak frontend theme volume size "5Gi"
persistentStorage.keycloakBackendVolumeSize Keycloak backend volume size "10Gi"
storkRequired Use this to set STORK as your scheduler false
pxcentralDBPassword Portworx Central cluster store MySQL database password Password1
caCertsSecretName The name of the Kubernetes secret containing the CA Certificates. ""
oidc Enables OIDC for Portworx Central and PX-backup for RBAC ""
oidc.centralOIDC Portworx Central OIDC ""
oidc.centralOIDC.enabled Portworx Central OIDC true
oidc.centralOIDC.defaultUsername Portworx Central OIDC username admin
oidc.centralOIDC.defaultPassword Portworx Central OIDC admin user password admin
oidc.centralOIDC.defaultEmail Portworx Central OIDC admin user email
oidc.centralOIDC.keyCloakBackendUserName Keycloak backend store username keycloak
oidc.centralOIDC.keyCloakBackendPassword Keycloak backend store password keycloak
oidc.centralOIDC.clientId Portworx Central OIDC client ID pxcentral
oidc.externalOIDC.enabled Specifies whether Portworx Central uses an external OIDC provider or not false
oidc.externalOIDC.clientID External OIDC client ID ""
oidc.externalOIDC.clientSecret External OIDC client secret ""
oidc.externalOIDC.endpoint External OIDC endpoint ""
images Portworx Backup deployment images ""
pxbackup.enabled Enables Portworx Backup true
pxbackup.orgName Portworx Backup organization name default
securityContext Security context for the Pod {runAsUser: 1000, fsGroup: 1000, runAsNonRoot: true}
images.pullSecrets Image pull secrets docregistry-secret
images.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
images.pxcentralApiServerImage.registry API server image registry
images.pxcentralApiServerImage.repo API server image repo portworx
images.pxcentralApiServerImage.imageName API server image name pxcentral-onprem-api
images.pxcentralApiServerImage.tag API server image tag 2.3.3
images.pxcentralFrontendImage.registry Portworx Central frontend image registry
images.pxcentralFrontendImage.repo Portworx Central frontend image repo portworx
images.pxcentralFrontendImage.imageName Portworx Central frontend image name pxcentral-onprem-ui-frontend
images.pxcentralFrontendImage.tag Portworx Central frontend image tag 2.3.3
images.pxcentralBackendImage.registry Portworx Central backend image registry
images.pxcentralBackendImage.repo Portworx Central backend image repo portworx
images.pxcentralBackendImage.imageName Portworx Central backend image name pxcentral-onprem-ui-backend
images.pxcentralBackendImage.tag Portworx Central backend image tag 2.3.3
images.pxcentralMiddlewareImage.registry Portworx Central middleware image registry
images.pxcentralMiddlewareImage.repo Portworx Central middleware image repo portworx
images.pxcentralMiddlewareImage.imageName Portworx Central middleware image name pxcentral-onprem-ui-lhbackend
images.pxcentralMiddlewareImage.tag Portworx Central middleware image tag 2.3.3
images.pxBackupImage.registry Portworx Backup image registry
images.pxBackupImage.repo Portworx Backup image repo portworx
images.pxBackupImage.imageName Portworx Backup image name px-backup
images.pxBackupImage.tag Portworx Backup image tag 2.3.3
images.postInstallSetupImage.registry Portworx Backup post install setup image registry
images.postInstallSetupImage.repo Portworx Backup post install setup image repo portworx
images.postInstallSetupImage.imageName Portworx Backup post install setup image name pxcentral-onprem-post-setup
images.postInstallSetupImage.tag Portworx Backup post install setup image tag 2.3.3
images.keycloakBackendImage.registry Portworx Backup keycloak backend image registry
images.keycloakBackendImage.repo Portworx Backup keycloak backend image repo portworx
images.keycloakBackendImage.imageName Portworx Backup keycloak backend image name postgresql
images.keycloakBackendImage.tag Portworx Backup keycloak backend image tag 11.18.0-debian-11-r0
images.keycloakFrontendImage.registry Portworx Backup keycloak frontend image registry
images.keycloakFrontendImage.repo Portworx Backup keycloak frontend image repo portworx
images.keycloakFrontendImage.imageName Portworx Backup keycloak frontend image name keycloak
images.keycloakFrontendImage.tag Portworx Backup keycloak frontend image tag 16.1.1
images.keycloakLoginThemeImage.registry Portworx Backup keycloak login theme image registry
images.keycloakLoginThemeImage.repo Portworx Backup keycloak login theme image repo portworx
images.keycloakLoginThemeImage.imageName Portworx Backup keycloak login theme image name keycloak-login-theme
images.keycloakLoginThemeImage.tag Portworx Backup keycloak login theme image tag 2.2.0
images.keycloakInitContainerImage.registry Portworx Backup keycloak init container image registry
images.keycloakInitContainerImage.repo Portworx Backup keycloak init container image repo library
images.keycloakInitContainerImage.imageName Portworx Backup keycloak init container image name busybox
images.keycloakInitContainerImage.tag Portworx Backup keycloak init container image tag 1.31
images.mysqlImage.registry Portworx Central cluster store MySQL image registry
images.mysqlImage.repo Portworx Central cluster store MySQL image repo library
images.mysqlImage.imageName Portworx Central cluster store MySQL image name mysql
images.mysqlImage.tag Portworx Central cluster store MySQL image tag 5.7.40

License server install chart reference

Option Description Default value
pxlicenseserver.internal.enabled Specifies whether the license server is enabled or not true
pxlicenseserver.internal.lsTypeAirgapped Indicates whether this is an air-gapped environment or not false
pxlicenseserver.external.enabled Specifies whether this deployment uses an external license server false
pxlicenseserver.mainNodeIP If an external license server is used, this option indicates the endpoints of the main node
pxlicenseserver.backupNodeIP If an external license server is used, this option indicates the endpoints of the backup node
pxlicenseserver.adminUserName Specifies the administrator account name admin
pxlicenseserver.adminUserPassword Specifies the password for the administrator account Password@1
securityContext Describes the security context for the Pod in which the license server component runs {runAsUser: 1000, fsGroup: 1000, runAsNonRoot: true}
images The list of Portworx images needed to install the license server component
images.pullSecrets Specifies the image pull secret
images.pullPolicy Specifies the image pull policy Always
images.licenseServerImage.registry Specifies the registry for the license server image docker
images.licenseServerImage.repo Specifies the repository for the license server image portworx
images.licenseServerImage.imageName Indicates the image name for the license server px-els
images.licenseServerImage.tag The tag for the license server image 2.3.2

Monitoring service install chart reference

Option Description Default value
pxmonitor.enabled Specifies whether the monitoring service is enabled or not true
pxmonitor.pxCentralEndpoint Indicates the Portworx Central UI access endpoint. You can specify this as IP:PORTor hostname.
pxmonitor.sslEnabled Use this option to enable or disable HTTPS false
pxmonitor.oidcClientSecret The client secret for your OIDC provider.
installCRDs Use this flag for new Kubernetes clusters, where you must install and register all required CRDs false
storkRequired Use this to set STORK as your scheduler false
clusterDomain Indicates the domain of your cluster cluster.local
cassandraUsername Specifies your Cassandra user name cassandra
cassandraPassword Specifies your Cassandra password cassandra
persistentStorage.enabled Enables persistent storage true
persistentStorage.storageClassName Specifies the name of the storage class Cassandra volume size 50Gi Grafana volume size 20Gi Consul volumes size 8Gi
securityContext Describes the security context for the Pod in which the license server component runs {runAsUser: 1000, fsGroup: 1000, runAsNonRoot: true}
images.pullSecrets Specifies the image pull secret
images.pullPolicy Specifies the image pull policy Always


The following example configures your Ingress controller to expose Grafana and Cortex:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  annotations: nginx
  name: px-backup-ui-ingress
  namespace: px-backup
  - http:
      - backend:
          serviceName: px-backup-ui
          servicePort: 80
        path: /
      - backend:
          serviceName: pxcentral-keycloak-http
          servicePort: 80
        path: /auth
      - backend:
          serviceName: pxcentral-grafana
          servicePort: 3000
        path: /grafana(/|$)(.*)
      - backend:
          serviceName: pxcentral-cortex-nginx
          servicePort: 80
        path: /cortex(/|$)(.*)

Last edited: Wednesday, Feb 15, 2023